About Us

We Love to Build!

Designs On 9th is what we’ve decided to call our collection of projects  in Salt Lake City, Utah. Our main focal points are:

  1. Project How-To’s, Home Improvement, and Saving Money
  2. Yearly Halloween Build Extravaganzas
  3. Custom Built Furniture
  4. Seeking Joy and Sharing Mishaps in Creating Everything We Can

Our mission is to encourage improvement in your home or living space, share DIY ideas, offer great items from our Etsy Shop, and also show off our internationally recognized Halloween Yard Prop Builds!

Part of being a DIYer is figuring out how to “get there” when you don’t know what to do next; we try to provide how-to’s that are general enough to digest quickly, but thorough enough to give the basics so that YOU can find your own way of accomplishing your building goal. We are also here to help if you have any questions about anything we post. We are incredibly responsive; please leave your questions in the comments section!

Remember, without a lot of construction knowledge or experience, you’re in the same boat as the majority.  If you have the motivation, basic critical thinking skills, and a few tools, we will try to help you with the confidence to try!

Please help us improve the website by leaving us a comment/reply on our posts.  We would like to have as much input as possible from lots of sources!

Please visit our blog for projects and progressive pictures!






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4 thoughts on “About Us

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  1. hi…you are able to teach so well..and your ideas are given freely…thank you very much…i am going to tell some of my weaver friends about your site…


    1. That is very kind and appreciated! My intent was to avoid the purchase cost of the loom and help others do so too, so I’m glad you and your friends can possibly benefit from the clip! Thanks for your feedback, and check out the other DIY looms we’ve built also!


  2. i am a neighbor across the street and am so joyed to see the joy and spirit put back into halloween! thank you for sharing your passion and love!


    1. Thanks for the kind comment! We love Halloween, and we are trying to squash out the “trunk”-or-treat trend we see growing out of a false fear of getting poisoned candy, etc. I don’t know which neighbor you are, but thanks for the comment and Happy Halloween!


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